re-aligning your body can alleviate back, neck, knee & foot pain completely



Inspired by the notion that your ideal alignment is a moving one, influences include Contemporary Dance, Alexander Technique and Chi Gong. Sessions incorporate study on standing, sitting and walking postures. Changing the outer architecture of your body undoubtedly changes the inner emotional landscape as well, creating more ease and a pain free experience of movement and stillness.

edit your strut/

align via walking


Learn to walk again from the feet up. We will look closely at the alignment principles, posture, and skeletal mechanics to move efficiently in the most basic movement-practice we do everyday; WALKING.

Through group demonstrations, video 'before & after', and a blindfolded walk, you will gain a deeper understanding of how you literally carry yourself through life and the emotional components which contribute to alignment and balance for which your body has made a pattern.

Discover, as a baby does, to walk for the first time!

I know this may sound dramatic. But having a session with Shandoah was LIFE CHANGING. I was in the wrong alignment purposefully for YEARS! Several adjustments and gently delivered information about my posture and my way of carrying myself and BAM! Things and everything is different! As soon as I left and walked down the street it was noticeable by random people... THANK YOU!!!
— Shane
See what Well + Good has to say about this work~ HERE

See what Well + Good has to say about this work~ HERE

I now automatically self correct as old patterns are easily noticed and dropped. Ever since our first session, I walk and move with a self awareness which enjoys the enlivening health of balanced posture and breath. This single session has lead to a deep shift in my life.
— DR GM, Foot Doctor